Food in Morocco

Food in Morocco is delicious and the style of eating is very interesting and unique.  In the US, one has three utensils to eat food: a spoon, a fork, and a knife.  However, in Morocco one uses four utensils to eat food: a spoon, a fork, a knife, and bread.  Yes, I said bread.  Going to eat soup?  Use bread.  Going to eat traditional Moroccan tajine (stir-fry with meat)?  Use bread.  Literally bread is a substitute for forks and spoons and it is actually the preferred utensil for such meals.  Additionally, the process of people eating food is quite different as well.  Food is typically laid out in a spread with plates of different types of food and one can choose what to eat.  These meals are typically eaten in a communal and social setting where it is extremely common for one to offer their food to another.  In fact, eating a large sandwich and not offering the sandwich to others at the table is considered rude and impolite in Moroccan culture.

Some of the food offered in a typical Moroccan meal is hrira (common Moroccan soup, also called harira), tajine, pastries, and other food made out of bread.  Hrira is a delicious soup which consists of chickpeas, tomatoes, peppers, and other vegetables.  Of course, using bread when eating hrira is common and even encouraged in Moroccan culture.  Tajine is a tasty meal usually had with chicken and other vegetables.  In fact, tajine is the most common Moroccan food served in homes. It is typically eaten by using bread to scoop the tajine.  Overall, Moroccan cuisine is enjoyable and quite unique.

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